Old Kent Road to Mayfair in 12 hours, 26 stops with stations and a drink in each.... EASY
11.30am, New Cross Gate station, hangovers from friday night forgotten and we were all raring to go. John had failed to mention before that he had added a new rule - you must have a drink to match the colour of the street on the monopoly board.
So we pitch up in the scruffiest place we can find on Old Kent Road and order baileys for the girls and halves for the lads (brown drinks).
After blue WKD's, pink rose, orange beer and red watermelon bacardi breezers we made it to Leicester Square/Picadilly where some fools tried to enforce the rule that "go to jail, do not pass go..." wins by default
Then it all just got silly.......

By the time we reached Oxford Street it was last orders and we struggled to find anywhere to get a drink and just about managed a green drink on Bond Street and Oxford Street
By the time we reached Oxford Street it was last orders and we struggled to find anywhere to get a drink and just about managed a green drink on Bond Street and Oxford Street
Then the hardcore monopoliers decide to push on and attempt Mayfair and Park Lane. And the sensible ones amongst us (myself included) thought it would be a much better idea to go on to a club in Soho for a few more bevvies and a dance. I'm not sure who chose the most wisely but Lisa and John report tales of hanging over a dual carriageway to get a picture of the Park Lane sign, Natasha boldly strolling into some exclusive Mayfair hotel like she belonged and John almost been picked up by a car full of boyz from the hood.
As for Soho, well who knows.... can't remember much but it looked like a good night
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