The line up wasn't really that impressive with the likes of dull as dishwater David Gray and Damien Rice but there were a few big names and of course the Foo Fighters were playing. After a a biggie on friday night we didnt manage to make it in time for the start but got inside just in time for Razorlight who were one of the best on the day.
A few more dreary performance from I cant even remember who and then Snow Patrol. They were absolutely awful. I had heard they weren't particularly good live but I thought hey they're huge surely they can't be that bad. They were! It must have been awful to watch on tv. Kasabian were the next decentish ones on stage and they were pretty good although a bit tame.
The weather was the best its been in weeks and it was absolutely scorching inside Wembley but I started to get a bit tetchy about how far back we were and was desperate to get in the thick of it and sweat it out some more. So we started bulldozing and managed to get within reasonable distance from the front just as Black Eyed Peas came on. They were actually pretty good and really worked the stage. Duran Duran and RHCP's were up next both of which were average.
A bit more pushing and we managed to get right to the front against the barrier- well the front of the paupers section anyway cos unfortunately neither of us have made it as VIP's so couldnt get into the front enclosure. Keane were up shortly after that and although I'm not usually a huge Keane fan they were actually pretty good. Or maybe it was just because I had endured an hour or so of pop trash that anything half decent would have been good.
Beastie Boys were wicked and got everyone pumped up ready for the Foos
And then.....
.... The Foo Fighters. They were out of this world. Played all the classics which everyone had been expecting and I dunno if it was just because we were up at the front but the crowd where going mental. Shame it was such a short slot but it was worth enduring 8 hours of mediocre music for that.
Dave Grohl "I want some crowd participation, I want you to sing along if you know it" long pause "It's called My Hero" Aaaaagh.
Unfortunately my camera let me down again so I had to make do with my phone so you can't really see much from this.

Everlong was amazing. If you saw the performance picture the end of the catwalk thing where Grohl was stood, we were a few meters away from that, directly in front of it. The whole Foo slot was unreal and I can't wait to do it all over again at V.
We didn't hang around to watch Madonna as anything else would have been an anti-climax and didnt much fancy trying to get on the tube with 74,998 other people.